Sunday, December 8, 2013

Weekly Favorites | 1

This past week I have been loving the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer for the minor coverage on my spotty skin I've been going through as of late. As these past couple of weeks is exams and finals for school, my face has totally taken the most stress and this concealer has helped me not look as spotty. Although I do enjoy using this, it is by far not a full coverage concealer and does not cover hyper pigmentation all too well but it does its job non the less.

Another NARS product I've been loving this week is the NARS Guy Bourdin limited edition One Night Stand cheek palette that is sold out on the Sephora website. I love all the colors and definitely worth the price.

Lastly, a basic staple to every girl's wardrobe is a pair of classic black Converse. This current one I own is probably my 3rd pair, I've worn them until they basically fall apart. I own quite a few pairs of Converse but I never seemed to go back and get a new pair of black ones up until recently and now that I have them I've been wearing them if I weren't wearing my boots.

I have also been loving Gabrielle Aplin this week, I've enjoyed her music for quite some time and forgot about her until she released her new single, "Salvation" Her debut album is called "English Rain" and sadly it's not released in the US so having to go on youtube to listen to her album is a bit annoying when I want to hear her songs whilst I'm driving. A few of my favorites on her album has to be "Keep On Walking" and "Alive" apart from "Salvation"

What are your weekly favorites?

++ Linda

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